PRESENT: Sr. Maureen Harris Marta Rodriguez Perez Rafael Rondon Mary Weisenburger Deacon Paul Weisenburger Palma Zanghi ABSENT: Joyce Davis Rebekah Mingo Betty Reiter Leo Reiter The meeting opened with a prayer led by Rafael Rondon. Sr. Maureen Harris led the committee in a ten minute faith sharing. The committee reviewed the Minutes from the previous meeting. The committee reviewed an email sent by Betty Reiter suggesting that we move the Getting To Know You Event to the Fall. Sr. Maureen gave some suggested dates: Oct. 12, 19, or 26. She will contact Betty re. the best date for her and then contact Lanette and Pat re. booking space at Sts. Columba-Brigid - one room plus one or two small rooms. Sr. Maureen also mentioned the need to compose a registration form. Re. our Three Year Plan, Rebekah sent word that at the Clergy Meeting, Fr. Bob asked her to submit the committee’s plan to him as well. We discussed doing research on small faith-sharing groups and how to form them. Mary said that she would try to find some books on the subject. It was suggested that the topic of faith-sharing groups be put on the agenda for next time so we can develop an understanding of these groups in order to be able to encourage our Family 21 parishes to develop them. Sr. Maureen and Marta presented the Family 21 Spirituality Resource List, which will eventually be handed out as a booklet. The content of the list was discussed. It was suggested that committee members should do more research and then have a further in depth discussion about the content of the List at the upcoming meeting. We reviewed the suggested Mission Statement and approved it, especially the idea that our Mission is to support and publicize. We discussed adding it to the Three Year Plan. Rafael will share the Mission Statement with Rebekah and ask that it be added to the Plan. NEXT MEETING: Wed. April 10 at Sts. Columba-Brigid Church.
Rebecca Mingo