Outreach/Inreach Pillar Meeting 10/30/2023 Minutes Next meeting 6 pm Monday November 27, 2023 SMdP conference room Homework for next meeting: Review year 1 goals Maureen opening prayer Discussion of bankruptcy, St Lawrence depressed, beyond scope of our committee Sr Louise provided evangelization how to manual to all participants Deacon Don pointed to page 7 as a start Informal survey of congregations : Get people involved in ministries Offer people opportunities to meet us Transportation ministry Compassion ministry bereavement ministry, connect to funeral ministry, funeral outreach Gardening ministry green team (administration?) SMdP wants a hall Eucharist visits by deacon or priest Deacon Ron, Fr Aaron on board Like Eucharist under both species Books in pews Hymn board updated Ages50+ more money Ages 30-50 more people Better homilies, relatable to us Too few people doing things How to work together as a family Clergy responsible for each parishes operations Deacon Don suggested functional model instead of territorial Volunteer coordinator We need a family parish council established Leadership vacuum People have to be open to the possibility that Father Joe doesn’t return We need to move forward, with or without Father Joe SMdP needs to remove Fr Joe’s name from bulletin and sign Action items to consider: Volunteer coordinator/committee Bereavement and Compassion committee Joint transportation committee Social worker for family of parishes Social Justice actions Form evangelization team Coordinate with other pillars Deadline for completion is nebulous, sooner rather than later Outreach/Inreach Pillar Meeting 10/30/2023 Minutes Next meeting 6 pm Monday November 27, 2023 SMdP conference room Homework for next meeting: Review year 1 goals Maureen opening prayer Discussion of bankruptcy, St Lawrence depressed, beyond scope of our committee Sr Louise provided evangelization how to manual to all participants Deacon Don pointed to page 7 as a start Informal survey of congregations : Get people involved in ministries Offer people opportunities to meet us Transportation ministry Compassion ministry bereavement ministry, connect to funeral ministry, funeral outreach Gardening ministry green team (administration?) SMdP wants a hall Eucharist visits by deacon or priest Deacon Ron, Fr Aaron on board Like Eucharist under both species Books in pews Hymn board updated Ages50+ more money Ages 30-50 more people Better homilies, relatable to us Too few people doing things How to work together as a family Clergy responsible for each parishes operations Deacon Don suggested functional model instead of territorial Volunteer coordinator We need a family parish council established Leadership vacuum People have to be open to the possibility that Father Joe doesn’t return We need to move forward, with or without Father Joe SMdP needs to remove Fr Joe’s name from bulletin and sign Action items to consider: Volunteer coordinator/committee Bereavement and Compassion committee Joint transportation committee Social worker for family of parishes Social Justice actions Form evangelization team Coordinate with other pillars Deadline for completion is nebulous, sooner rather than later Outreach/Inreach Pillar Meeting 10/30/2023 Minutes Next meeting 6 pm Monday November 27, 2023 SMdP conference room Homework for next meeting: Review year 1 goals Maureen opening prayer Discussion of bankruptcy, St Lawrence depressed, beyond scope of our committee Sr Louise provided evangelization how to manual to all participants Deacon Don pointed to page 7 as a start Informal survey of congregations : Get people involved in ministries Offer people opportunities to meet us Transportation ministry Compassion ministry bereavement ministry, connect to funeral ministry, funeral outreach Gardening ministry green team (administration?) SMdP wants a hall Eucharist visits by deacon or priest Deacon Ron, Fr Aaron on board Like Eucharist under both species Books in pews Hymn board updated Ages50+ more money Ages 30-50 more people Better homilies, relatable to us Too few people doing things How to work together as a family Clergy responsible for each parishes operations Deacon Don suggested functional model instead of territorial Volunteer coordinator We need a family parish council established Leadership vacuum People have to be open to the possibility that Father Joe doesn’t return We need to move forward, with or without Father Joe SMdP needs to remove Fr Joe’s name from bulletin and sign Action items to consider: Volunteer coordinator/committee Bereavement and Compassion committee Joint transportation committee Social worker for family of parishes Social Justice actions Form evangelization team Coordinate with other pillars Deadline for completion is nebulous, sooner rather than later
Joyce Menifee
Bob Heicklen (BT) Archives
October 2023
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