Sr. Maureen Harris Rebekah Mingo Rafael Rondon Marta Rodrigues Perez Joyce Davis Palma Zanghi Betty Reiter Leo Reiter Deacon Paul Weisenburger Mary Weisenburger Rafael handed out an agenda. Becky handed out a revised Spiritual Life Pillar Family Plan, to discuss during the meeting. Palma led us in prayer. Palma asked that, in the future, rather than mark someone as absent, to say, rather, that the person is excused. All agreed. Rafael asked what format does our Pillar want to use to inform our parishes about dates for our activities, and to advertise those dates? Joyce mentioned that we have to submit dates for activities to someone, to reach out to those individuals to clear our dates. Becky mentioned that Pat and Lanette work on the F of P calendar. Joyce shared that at the F of P LITE organizational meeting, the group decided to hold our F of P LITE retreat events on Thursdays at CB The dates chosen are: Feb. 15, 22, 29, Mar. 7, 14, and 24. The format will include a Meal, Welcome, Intro, Speaker, Table Discussion, Story, and Closing Prayer. These dates necessitated a discussion about our plan to hold a “Getting To Know You “ event near Valentine’s Day. We decided that we need to move this event to later in the year so as not to be in conflict or “competition” with the LITE evenings. The group had a discussion about the future of our Pillar Family Plans when our three - year Goals are completed and we hand our documents in. Who will “OK” our Plans? Who will implement our Goals’ activities? We decided that we should plan to implement our own Plan. We all expressed frustration that the Diocese has not provided more guidance. Becky described her process of updating the Year One Goals. Once those Goals are updated, we will become more specific re. dates for planned events and “how-to’s” and details for implementation. Refining our Goals is what we are aiming at right now. Joyce suggested that, once our Year One Goals are in place, we break the Goals into sections and then our committee can break up into Groups, which can each brainstorm details re. their section, flesh each area out. Also, after we hold each event or develop each project, we need to evaluate it. We then reviewed our Year One Goals to decide if these were indeed the Goals we want, and various members volunteered to plan, coordinate, and implement each section of the Goal. Betty Reiter already coordinates the annual Women’s Retreat. Sr. Maureen Harris and Marta Rodriguez Perez will work on Spiritual Life Resources. Joyce Davis will work on Communications and LITE. Palma observed that LITE will promote the Summer National Eucharistic Congress, to be held July 17-19, in Indianapolis. One of our Goals should be to inform our parishioners sufficiently about this Congress. Respect Life will be included in the Congress. In the Spring of 2024, we can have our “Getting To Know/God Loves You” event. Betty, if she is willing to do it, can choose a date. We will need to get it quickly then on our F of P calendar. We also discussed researching and promoting different forms of prayer and providing this information to our parishes’ leadership to encourage them to begin various types/styles of prayer groups. We mentioned that we already have Rosary Prayer and Centering Prayer, and BT will have an evening of Taize Prayer in Advent, on Dec. 13 at 7 PM. Palma voiced our Mission: to explore different ways to get across to our parishioners that our relationship with God is 24/7 rather than one hour a week in Church. How can we explain the beauty and necessity of retreats to them, of different prayer styles? How can we encourage them to go in small groups to different Churches for special prayer events? And, as Rafael added, implementing this is a Long Game. NEXT MEETING: Wed. Jan. 24, 6:30 PM, at St. Lawrence
Rebecca Mingo