Present: Christine Blachowski - Chair (STL,) Betty Reidy (STL,) Betsy Tirado (CB,) Monica Zielinski (CB,) Don Ward (CB,) Gwendolyn Jervis-White (SMdP,) Barrett Fletcher (SMdP,) Richard Clark (CB,) Nancy Langer (BT,) Mickey Dick (BT,) Luis Clay - Secretary (BT)
Meeting called to order at 5:35 pm. Opening prayer - Betty Reidy Barrett Fletcher joined the group for SMdP, replacing Nancy who would like to be copied on minutes and developments. Old business Picnic Event planned for Sunday, 20 August 2023 Barrett Fletcher confirmed that the Holy Name Society at SMdP will welcome all FoP parishioners at picnic event. HNS will cook hamburgers and hot dogs, visitors may bring side dishes to add to the feast. Barrett asked that final counts of those attending be sent to him by 1st Sunday of August (and maybe financial contributions also.) Picnic at Gazebo in Como Park. Mass usually at 12 pm but details TBA. Road to Renewal Playbook and next steps There was a long discussion regarding R2R Road to Renewal Playbook Sub-Committees. These are listed in the playbook as follows: Welcoming Committee Financial Sub-Committee Volunteering Sub-Committee Luis suggested that the resources of the Stewardship Pillar are too stretched to be subdivided. He commented that the Admin Pillar would probably take responsibility for financial matters. Nancy L suggested that the whole group consider these subjects by devoting a whole meeting to each subject in turn. Donald commented that we've been through all this before. He proposed that the group consider a youth development grant as a useful activity. There was some discussion of a bulletin and or website for the FoP but no resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held at CB on June 12 at 5:30 p.m. Submitted by Luis Clay
April 17, 2023
Attending: Chris Blachowski, Betty Reidy - STL, Monica Zielinski, Betsy Tirado, Donald Ward - CB, Gwendolyn Jervis-White, Nancy ? - SMdP, Mickey Dick, Luis Clay, Nancy Langer - BT There was a good spirit shared among the attendees despite the dreary weather! The first topic of discussion was Engagement. After considering the possibility of creating a new event, it was concluded that adding all four parishes to an existing event would be better. The event discussed was the yearly Mass and picnic hosted by SMdP’s Holy Name Society. It is scheduled this year for Noon on Sunday, August 20 at the Gazebo at Como Park. It was suggested that each parish provide a sign-up sheet, then STL, CB, and BT would make a donation to cover the cost for their parishioners. Nancy from SMdP will check with the Holy Name to get their feedback on whether this would be possible. We would also need to check with Fr. Joe. The next topic was Fundraising: Upcoming parish events are listed on a joint calender of Family 21 activities. The calendar is available in parish bulletins. Examples are the chicken dinners at CB on June 4 and BT on June 10 and the SMdP Father’s Day Gala being held at the Grapevine Restaurant on June 17 (previously, this event was held on New Year’s Eve.) A desire to include more of this type of information in the parish bulletin was expressed so the parishes can do more together. Information about additional fundraising activities was shared. CB held a chili cookoff in March. They hold a soup sale in the Fall, a chocolate sale in February and a book sale in May. SMdP held a successful basket raffle and auction on Zoom. STL holds baked goods sales. They also hold a monthly 50/50 raffle. Chris (STL) and Mickey (BT) shared their experience with Bingo. While games raise up to $1,000 a week, most of the people attend because of the opportunity to socialize. Currently, there are no Bingo games available during the day on Friday. The possibility of running a game at STL and splitting the proceeds within the Family was discussed. In addition to applying for a license (which Chris knows how to do,) this would require sufficient volunteers and arrangements for maintenance. Another suggestion was a 40 week club followed by an event at a local hall. The attendees shared the ministries and services within their parishes. BT: weekly Bible study; recitation of the Rosary outside after Friday Mass; year-round music; sacristans; ushers; greeters; lectors; and Eucharistic ministers; parish council and finance council; social media and live stream Masses; church tours; Women’s Group; Christmas package prison project. CB: Men’s and Women’s Groups; Monday Rosary via Zoom in three languages; Sunday Bible study; Gardening Angels. The food for their parish pantry is donated by parishioners. It was suggested that other parishioners contribute to the pantry collection. The parish has a finance group, a liturgy group, a choir, ushers and Eucharistic ministers, Pre-Renewal, there were parish council groups for youth and Spanish speakers. STL: Annual Christmas Toy Drive was suggested as a future family project. The people in the neighborhood appreciate the ability to obtain gifts for their children. There is a need for more volunteers to keep this event successful. STL hosts the biannual Mass for Congrega Society in honor of our Blessed Mother. In the past, the parish sent birthday cards to parishioners. The finance function of the parish is currently taken care of by volunteers. SMdP: The Women’s Guild meets the first Saturday of each month. Other groups include the Holy Name Society, Peter Claver and St. Vincent de Paul. Volunteers help clean the church. A fundraiser is held on Fat Tuesday. Gifts are given to men considered to be pillars of the Church on Father’s Day. Black History Month is celebrated. The choir holds a concert every year. There is a compassionate care ministry. Cards are sent to visitors inviting them to come again. The parishes do not have the same level of staffing. Some of the parishes rely on volunteers for lawn care, building maintenance and bookkeeping. There is an opportunity to pool resources to purchase equipment that could be used by all parishes. One suggestion was a high quality printer for copying weekly bulletins. Another was a van and van driver. A third was a system to share information in the same way we used to rely on a phone tree. Next meeting 5/15/23 |
Chris Blachowski
Luis Clay (BT) Archives
September 2023
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